Family Engagement
Family Engagement
Flipside Afterschool recognizes the value and importance of active and meaningful family engagement in their children’s education. On this webpage you will find many opportunities Flipside has for family engagement.
Site-Based Advisory Council
If you'd like to help shape the design and class offerings at your site, we encourage you to visit your site page to get involved.
Adult Learning
Flipside offers adult learning opportunities through collaborations with the Community Education Adult Basic Education Program and Saint Paul Public Library.
Flipside has a variety of opportunities for community and family members to voluteer at sites. Visit the volunteer page or your school's Flipside page for detailed ways to get involved.
How has Flipside participation impact your child/ family? Please share your story with us! It helps us continue to get more grant funding to bring Flipside programs to you at no cost.
Multiple Benefits of Strong School, Family and Community Partnerships
Research on family engagement shows significant benefits to students in schools that have prioritized the development of school, family and community partnerships. These partners share a common purpose—to see all students achieve at the highest level.